Five things on Friday #103

Things of note for the week ending Friday December 19th, 2014.

Things of note for the week ending Friday December 19th, 2014.

Five Things

1. A clock made of Tweets
I don’t know why but I really, really like this idea.


It’s called ‘all the minutes’ and, by plugging into the Twitter firehose and pulling in every tweet that happens to have the exact time therein, it creates a crowd-sourced clock that is awesome, strangely compelling, and yet oddly alluring. I love that a) there’s enough tweets in the world to make this happen b) there is so much weird/anthropological insight to be gained. It’s like when Big Brother used to have a 24hr channel, but better. Honest.

Bonus item: here’s another clock based on colour: ‘What Colour is it?

What colour is it?

2. How to craft an information diet…
…that actually works. This piece is from the always-useful, Life Hacker website has some really good tips on how to consume information through the filter of what it is you’re about to do. It uses a couple of neat metaphors that actually work and, it’s quite funny, it reminded me a lot of an ongoing information diet conversation that I have with my friend Kai. We consume information quite differently, he and I, and the way Life Hacker puts it, I’m kinda coming around to his way of thinking. Check it out –

Vegetables may make you feel light, whereas a heavy beef roast may put you into a food coma. A cup of coffee may wake you up. A glass of wine may relax you. Much like food and drink, the information and media we consume affects the way that we feel after we consume it.
For example, if you want to get excited about your afternoon’s work, it may be more helpful to listen to an inspiring talk or an interview with one of your heroes rather than catch up on the news. If you’re about to go to bed and want to minimise the amount of time you spend tossing and turning, make sure the media you’re consuming relaxes you.
Similar to how coffee can wake one person up and put another to sleep, the same information can have different effects on different people. Although one person may find comedies very relaxing, someone else may find them exciting and stimulating. Observe how you feel after consuming certain media, and sequence it appropriately for the activity. For example, if you’re at work and feeling drowsy, try switching from the podcast to upbeat, exciting, music.

Ask yourself what you want out of this information.

If, like me, you’re an information/news nut – you might want to read the whole piece.

3. Daft Punk Lego
This literally needs no introduction whatsoever.



4. The Mariana Trench is an incredible thing
I have a general rule about not putting stuff into this collection of things that you could have possibly already seen. However with this one, I’m willing to make an exception. Discovering new life on this, this bright blue beautiful rock we fly through the universe on, is nothing short of staggering. And that’s exactly what’s just happened.


An Ainternational team aboard Schmidt Ocean Institute’s research vessel Falkor set a new record for the deepest fish ever recorded at 8143m in the Mariana Trench. The fish is a completely unknown variety of snailfish with a translucent body, broad wing-like fins and an eel-like tail.

And it’s beautiful.

5. Social Media Trends for 2015


Last year, the Managing Director for Social@Ogilvy EAME, Mr Marshall Manson, asked me if I’d fancy co-writing a future-gazing piece with him about social media trends for 2014. I said yes, of course but then a few things happened.

First off, I found out how awesome it was/is to work with Marshall (our brains just jive, and when that kinda stuff happens then all kinds of magic can follow). Second, the document we wrote went down exceptionally well (which was nice). Third and finally, a good year later, Marshall and I decided we’d make it an annual thing.

Which leads me quite nicely to item five: key trends in social media for 2015. A handy little slideshare that not only reviews the ideas from before but also outlines our trends and predictions for the year ahead (actual trends, not idiotic made up ones). If you have a passing interest in all things social, this presentation might be of interest.

I’d love to hear your feedback too, btw…


One bonus this week:

  • There are many films coming out in 2015 that I’m getting quite excited about. American Sniper is up near the top of that list. The second trailer for Clint Eastwood’s latest dropped today and it may’ve moved up just that little bit more. Watch it.

See you next week!


Five things on Friday #102

Things of note for the week ending Friday 12th December, 2014.

Things of note for the week ending Friday 12th December, 2014.

Screen Shot 2014-12-12 at 23.59.58

—- whoosh —-

1. ‘Living My Life’
This is the best Slovenian case study you’ll see today

Seriously, I really love this.

Why? Let me explain.

Here we have a small country, with small agencies and even smaller audiences. Achieving cut-through through digital in a country where there’s only two TV channels is a hard sell. And yet somehow they’ve managed it. Can you imagine a similar project here?

2. Got YouTube? Get Gifs.
This has been everywhere today but it’s worth mentioning again: YouTube is rolling out a really quick and simple way to create animated gifs from YouTube videos. This is awesome.

Read all about it.

3. Cartoon Photobombs
These are really quite cute.

cartoon7 cartoon8 cartoon16

4. Trailer Mashup 2014
Just under 7mins. All the films of 2014. In one mega video.

Watch it.

Then guess them all.

5. The Hype Machine Zeitgeist
There aren’t that many end of year round ups that I genuinely look forward to each year. The Hype Machine Zeitgeist is one of the lucky few.

Check it.

Bonuses this week are a mixbag of me, you, and Max

Until next time…

Five things on Friday #101

Things of note for the week ending Friday December 5th, 2014.

Things of note for the week ending Friday December 5th, 2014.

Screen Shot 2014-12-05 at 11.18.04

1. In Conversation with Chris Rock

Chris Rock - Vulture

Touching on Obama, Cosby, and the political comedy landscape of the United States in general. This interview/conversation with one of the smartest, most astute, and perhaps even underrated comedians of our lifetime is a must read.

So y’know, read it.

2. The TWABM Advent Calendar
The TWABM stands for ‘That Was A Bit Mental’ as taken from the That Was A Bit Mental website wherein you might find said advent calendar. Not just any old advent calendar mind, an advent calendar that lists the 25 best Christmas-based horror films of all time.

I see you.

It’s a brilliant list, if only for the scrappy YouTube trailers that go along with each one. Everything from Rare Exports to Santa Claws to Satan Claus – these Christmas films are cheesy as hell, and awesome to go with it.

If you like that sort of thing then you’ll like this sort of thing very much.

3. Twitter News
It’s almost a regular thing these days but hey, who’s counting? Here are four interesting new developments that you might be interested in from Twitter this week:

4. Got a balloon? Instant iPhone cover
Not much else to be said really.

Hipsters everywhere will be all over this.

5. #PukkaPimms
And now we get to the reason why this edition of Five Things is so darn late.

In short: blame Hardeep.

PukkaPimms 1

I really don’t know where to begin. One of the planners at Ogilvy & Mather had been harbouring a theory that Pimm’s (yes, that super gorgeous drink that you and I use to kick off (and continue) our summers) went extremely well with the sweetness and spice that can be found in Indian food.

We spoke to Hardeep. He agreed.

We spoke to Pimm’s. They agreed [that we had an idea].

A few weeks later and seemingly out of nowhere, #PukkaPimms was born.

PukkaPimms 4

A pop-up curry house serving the finest Punjabi and Bangladeshi cuisine – complemented with a can of Pimm’s – and hosted by Mister HSK himself, we were open Thursday night, Friday night, and all day Saturday to demonstrate to the great curry-going British public that curry and Pimm’s is a thing.

Having a curry any time soon? Have a Pimm’s with it; you may well be surprised (more on this to follow).


Bonuses this week:



Five things on Friday #100

Things of note for the week ending Friday November 28th, 2014. Has there really been 100 of these things? Wow.

Things of note for the week ending Friday November 28th, 2014.

five things

Let’s do this.

1. Spider-Man Gecko Gloves

Many lizards such as geckos—not to mention thousands of insects—have the remarkable ability to climb up vertical surfaces with ease. The process has fascinated scientists for years, but a simple physics principle has kept bigger animals like people out of the wall-scaling game. The square cube law basically says that as objects, like animals, increase in size, their volumes grow at a much faster rate than their surface area—specifically, if you square a creature’s surface area, you must cube its volume so that its body can support its own weight. This is why ants can carry more than elephants in proportion to their own weight and why small animals like geckos can more easily support themselves with small patches of adhesion.


A clearer understanding of the efficiency of a gecko’s pads gave scientists hope that a more intentionally designed replica could support human weight. However, these gecko-gloves would still have to overcome the issue of evenly distributing a hanging human’s weight so that no one pad was strained to the breaking point, setting off a chain reaction that could collapse the entire system.

Well, the smart scientists only went and solved it.

So yeah, Spider-Man gloves with Gecko-inspired technology. Amazing.

Fun fact: I used to have a gecko named Steve. Great pet, but the locusts I had to feed him were super noisy.

2. Leonard Bernstein’s tribute to JFK
I came across this article (on the always excellent Brain Pickings) earlier this week and it is wonderful.

“This must be the mission of every man of goodwill: to insist, unflaggingly, at risk of becoming a repetitive bore, but to insist on the achievement of a world in which the mind will have triumphed over violence”

The whole thing is worth a read.

So do so.


3. Batman vs Vader

Bats vs Darth

Time for a bit of silly, yet really quite excellent, fan-fiction.

What strikes me about these fan-made videos is the level of production value that goes into them. In this particular case, not only does it look fantastic but the story is well told too. I don’t know the team behind this effort but they should be applauded.

Well done.

4. Get rid of Google Birthdays
A recent update to Google Calendar has meant that millions of people all over the world now have their Google contacts’ birthdays appearing in their calendars. This might be useful to some but is really quite irritating for others.

Fortunately, there’s a way to get rid of them. Surprise surprise, Google doesn’t exactly make it easy (as in: it’s not an obvious solution) however I managed it in five minutes, you might want to do it too.

How to delete birthdays from your Google Calendar

As a bonus calendar-based hack: if you still haven’t subscribed to my UK Cinema Release Calendar, there’s no time like the present!

 5. Three Twitter things

  • You can now target ads based upon what apps users have installed on their phone, via ‘App Graph‘.
  • Twitter is experimenting with inline Twitter analytics.
  • Coupons or ‘Twitter Offers’ are now a thing [in the US]


Finally, a note from the author.

Five things on Friday #100, that’s not bad is it, as blogging habits go? I had a big speech lined up in my head about how many readers I get and how many subscribers there are to the newsletter version of this weekly post but…

But then I saw this awesome gif and decided it did a much better job.


Thank you. To all of you, for your readership and your support.

Whatley out.



Five things on Friday #99

Things of note for the week ending Friday November 21st, 2014 (also known as: the author’s birthday).

Yes, I know it’s Sunday…


Things of note for the week ending Friday November 21st, 2014*.

1. A-X Writing Advice
This, from the copy chief at Random House Publishing, is excellent.


  • One buys antiques in an antiques store from an antiques dealer; an antique store is a very old store.
  • He stayed awhile; he stayed for a while.
  • Besides is other than; beside is next to.
  • The singular of biceps is biceps; the singular of triceps is triceps. There’s no such thing as a bicep; there’s no such thing as a tricep.
  • A blond man, a blond woman; he’s a blond, she’s a blonde.

Great reading.

2. This F1 / Truck stunt is RIDICULOUS


You may have seen this already but Team Lotus just set a new world record with the above. Masterminded by the stunt coordinator behind the truck chase in Terminator 2 this is without doubt the coolest thing I’ve seen all week.

Watch it.

3. Ogilvy’s New Home
I work for an advertising agency that goes by the name of Ogilvy & Mather. Our offices are in Canary Wharf. As of next year, that location will change as we up sticks and move the whole group into Sea Containers House (SCH).

If you’ve not heard of it before, it’s this big building next to the Oxo Tower on London’s South Bank.

Sea Containers House

The top photo of this article (the one with ‘Five Things on Friday’ written on it) was taken by me from the bar of the new Mondrian hotel that can also be found at SCH. I was there on Thursday night for a work thing and I can tell you right now it is one of the best bars I’ve ever been to. If you’ve ever stayed at a Mondrian (I’ve been extremely fortunate and have stayed at a couple of them) then you’ll know exactly what to expect.

If you’ve not stayed at one before, or if you’ve never been to one before, all you need to know is that a) it’s really nice, b) you should go [and visit the bar at least], and c) the toilets are just like The Chamber of Secrets.


As for an Ogilvy tour? Well, I’ve seen the new reception and that’s pretty swanky. Come for a coffee in the New Year and I’ll show you around 🙂

Tres exciting.

4. Movember Heroes
I’m not doing Movember this year however that’s not going to stop me from sharing these pretty awesome superheroes-with-facial-hair art jobs that help raise its awareness further.

There are awesome.

3 1

More at the link.

5. Buzz Sumo
Found out about this service a few weeks ago but have started using in earnest. If you’re looking for certain kinds of content based around certain themes Buzz Sumo is really useful.

Check it out.

Bonuses this week are things that I’m about to write about but haven’t got around to yet:



*Thirty five years to the day since I was born. Which might have something to do with why this was late to publish. Hopefully you’ll enjoy reading it on a Sunday evening as much as you do on a Friday afternoon. Let me know, x

Five things on Friday #98

Things of note for the week ending Friday November 14th, 2014.

Things of note for the week ending Friday November 14th, 2014.

Five things 98

1. The Hidden Tactics of WW1
The 11th of November is behind us. On the day itself, I read this: ‘Why Blackadder Goes Forth could have been a lot funnier‘. A title that I immediately took a dislike to / disagreed with. However, I clicked through and read on.

Here’s an excerpt.

Mass refusals, disobedience, mutinies, strikes and out-right rebellion were all part of the British armed forces experience in WW1. These were all fairly explicit events and to a certain extent these hidden narratives are becoming part of the historical record despite the attempts of contemporary military censors and government ‘D’ notices on the press as well as the 100 year rule in suppressing military documents. Subsequent post-war collective memory loss related to dominant patriotic ideologies served to smother these events even further, but in the 1960s/70s a critical historical reappraisal of WW1 began, marked in the cultural sphere by the biting satire of the musical ‘Oh What a Lovely War’. This reassessment of WW1 led to a series of historical and sociological examinations of the ‘life in the trenches’ in the succeeding decade. Some of these works provide a new and interesting angle on the subterranean (but at the same time mass) collective tactics British (and German) soldiers used for avoiding combat.

Insightful, amusing, and informative – about one of the most horrendous periods of history – it’s one of the best things I’ve read in a long time.

You should read it too.

(and then watch the Sainsbury’s ad again)

2. The 2014 Vanity Fair Hollywood Portfolio

Hey Brad

Photographer, Chuck Close, shows some of the most famous faces in the world in their most natural way.

This is a wonderful collection.

3. Some Twitter Things (three, to be precise)

Twitter Thing Un

The new mission strategy statement is a thing of… beauty?

[thanks to Mark Jennings for the correction]


This is interesting for many reasons. Not because it uses the word ‘world’ three times in a really horrible and clunky way but mainly because it refers to ‘information sharing and distribution platform products’. Twitter + Vine = plural. But I think this means there’s more down the road.

We’ll see.

Twitter Thing Deux

Inline with the web interface, you can now ‘dismiss’ promoted tweets in the official Twitter app.



The reasons you have to give are all the reasons why I’ve dismissed stuff in the pas

Twitter Thing Trois

Targeting. It matters.



4. Shia Lebouf
This is one of the most bizarre things you’ll see this week/ever .

5. Alex from Target: the other side of [internet] fame

Hey Alex

Two weeks ago, Alex Lee was just a regular teen working his job. At said job, a girl thought he looked quite hot and shared a sneaky snap to Twitter. After that? Well, he kinda went viral.

If you know who #AlexfromTarget is. You’ll love this New York Times article covering the price of internet fame. If you don’t know who #AlexfromTarget is, then read it anyway.

That’s it from me this week.

Y’all have a great weekend.


Whatley out.

Five things on Friday #97

Things of note for the week ending Friday, November 7th, 2014.


(t-shirt from Hero & Cape)

1. 3D-printing machines make awesome Tattoo artists.
Not. Kidding.


This is staggering.

The machine actually reads the the surface of your arm as it ‘prints’ (by prints, I mean punctures your skin at up to 150 times per second) ensuring that it moves smoothly along your chosen limb.

There’s a video too, natch.


2. Turning the Game Around
This, believe it or not, is 13,000 words on what makes the storytelling at the centre of the 2008 version of the Ubisoft video game, Prince of Persia, so compelling.

Prince of Persia

This is has been open in one of my tabs since August - that’s how long it’s taken me to get around to reading it.

But it was worth it.

There are many reasons why you might not want to read this essay. First: ‘Da-yam! Dat word count!’ Get over it. Second: ‘I’m not really a gamer, so I know I won’t be that interested’. Wrong. The piece is about not only how to tell a story but also gaming as art. It really is great to see gaming deconstructed in this way and, while it may give away the ending (I’d completed it, so I didn’t mind – but really, does it matter?), the intelligence in the writing makes everything OK. Make the time, then read the essay.

If you’re a gamer, you’ll love it (obvs).

3. The Christopher Nolan Profile
I’ve written about him before in these webpages of mine however, with the release of Interstellar right around the corner (I’m seeing it at the IMAX tomorrow), it seems fitting that I should write about him again. Well, I would, except The New York Times have done such a good job of it that I’ll link you to that instead.

This bit, on Insomnia, is great –

After that, when he came across the script of “Insomnia,” a remake of a Norwegian psychological thriller, Warner Bros. had the option. Nolan was interested but couldn’t get a meeting. His agent, Dan Aloni, called Steven Soderbergh, an early fan of “Memento.” Soderbergh told me that he “just walked across the lot and said to the head of production, ‘You’re insane if you don’t meet with this guy.’ My sense even then was that he didn’t need our help except to get in the door.” Everything happened very quickly. Nolan made the film on a budget of $46 million, and Soderbergh and George Clooney signed on as executive producers. Soderbergh visited the set in Alaska. “I got there and was having a conversation with Al Pacino: ‘How do you feel? How’s it going?’ Al said, ‘Well, I can tell you right now, at some point in the very near future I’m going to be very proud to say I was in a Christopher Nolan movie.’ ”

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: we are lucky to be alive at the same time as this particular film maker. His passion and vision for the final delivery is something that, come the end of his career, will be held up alongside Kubrick, Spielberg, and Scott. Nolan’s body of work is already excellent.

So go read his profile piece; it’s really very good.

4. Alternate Universe Movie Posters


These are great.

5. More Monument Valley


Ever played Monument Valley? If not, why not? It is honestly one of the best iPad games I’ve ever played (it’s now available across iOS, Android, and Kindle) and you should absolutely play it! Beautiful to play and look at; it really is that good.

That being said, if, like me, you’ve already played Monument Valley and wish it could’ve gone on longer or are hankerin’ for the next version/sequel/expansion pack – then hanker no more! ‘Forgotten Shores’ is the official name of the forthcoming next part and it’ll be hitting iOS on November 13th. Hurrah and hurrah again.


Bonuses this week are three random things that I picked up this week:

Until next time,

JW x