Five things on Friday #99

Things of note for the week ending Friday November 21st, 2014 (also known as: the author’s birthday).

Yes, I know it’s Sunday…


Things of note for the week ending Friday November 21st, 2014*.

1. A-X Writing Advice
This, from the copy chief at Random House Publishing, is excellent.


  • One buys antiques in an antiques store from an antiques dealer; an antique store is a very old store.
  • He stayed awhile; he stayed for a while.
  • Besides is other than; beside is next to.
  • The singular of biceps is biceps; the singular of triceps is triceps. There’s no such thing as a bicep; there’s no such thing as a tricep.
  • A blond man, a blond woman; he’s a blond, she’s a blonde.

Great reading.

2. This F1 / Truck stunt is RIDICULOUS


You may have seen this already but Team Lotus just set a new world record with the above. Masterminded by the stunt coordinator behind the truck chase in Terminator 2 this is without doubt the coolest thing I’ve seen all week.

Watch it.

3. Ogilvy’s New Home
I work for an advertising agency that goes by the name of Ogilvy & Mather. Our offices are in Canary Wharf. As of next year, that location will change as we up sticks and move the whole group into Sea Containers House (SCH).

If you’ve not heard of it before, it’s this big building next to the Oxo Tower on London’s South Bank.

Sea Containers House

The top photo of this article (the one with ‘Five Things on Friday’ written on it) was taken by me from the bar of the new Mondrian hotel that can also be found at SCH. I was there on Thursday night for a work thing and I can tell you right now it is one of the best bars I’ve ever been to. If you’ve ever stayed at a Mondrian (I’ve been extremely fortunate and have stayed at a couple of them) then you’ll know exactly what to expect.

If you’ve not stayed at one before, or if you’ve never been to one before, all you need to know is that a) it’s really nice, b) you should go [and visit the bar at least], and c) the toilets are just like The Chamber of Secrets.


As for an Ogilvy tour? Well, I’ve seen the new reception and that’s pretty swanky. Come for a coffee in the New Year and I’ll show you around 🙂

Tres exciting.

4. Movember Heroes
I’m not doing Movember this year however that’s not going to stop me from sharing these pretty awesome superheroes-with-facial-hair art jobs that help raise its awareness further.

There are awesome.

3 1

More at the link.

5. Buzz Sumo
Found out about this service a few weeks ago but have started using in earnest. If you’re looking for certain kinds of content based around certain themes Buzz Sumo is really useful.

Check it out.

Bonuses this week are things that I’m about to write about but haven’t got around to yet:



*Thirty five years to the day since I was born. Which might have something to do with why this was late to publish. Hopefully you’ll enjoy reading it on a Sunday evening as much as you do on a Friday afternoon. Let me know, x

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Author: James Whatley

Experienced advertising and communications strategist working in brand, games, and entertainment. I got ❤️ for writing, gaming, and figuring stuff out. I'm @whatleydude pretty much everywhere that matters. Nice to meet you x