One of these things is not like the others

Can you tell?

Any ideas? Anyone?

No, I’m not sure either. In the meantime, I’ll just leave this here:

Example: a Twitter user is paid by a brand owner or marketing practitioner specifically to use Twitter to promote a brand, product or service. The brand owner or marketing practitioner should ensure that the Twitter user discloses the payment by including ‘#ad’ within their tweet. As tweets are limited to 140 characters, the use of the ‘#ad’ hashtag allows maximum room for the message itself, but also makes clear to consumers that the message has been paid for.

Nope, I can't work it out either


H/T Andrew Allsop.

Update: Sad times.

Last updated by at .

Author: James Whatley

Experienced advertising and communications strategist working in brand, games, and entertainment. I got ❤️ for writing, gaming, and figuring stuff out. I'm @whatleydude pretty much everywhere that matters. Nice to meet you x

7 thoughts on “One of these things is not like the others”

  1. Interestingly, the “authentic” tweets seem to come from his iPhone. The Nike ad seems to be sent from iPad.

    The other unmarked sponsored tweets seem to come from BlackBerry – see

    James Whatley Reply:

    Ha, awesome; nice spot.

    Side note: is there a plug-in for Chrome that let’s you see that ‘tweeted from’ data? I click on that link but don’t see the data… 🙁

    Terence Eden Reply:

    I get it straight from the API. It’s displayed in Dabr. Don’t know about plugins.

    James Whatley Reply:

    Of course! Got it, cheers.

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