Monkey Business

The Brothers Whatley

My little brother has been in town all week and last night, finally, we managed to make some time to sit down and chat rubbish for a few minutes.

The camera gives up right at the end (my fault for not deleting all my #vlomo content off the memory from last year), but I think it ends everything with quite a nice little cliffhanger that perhaps we can pick up on next time…

I will never get tired of making these. Ever.

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Author: James Whatley

Experienced advertising and communications strategist working in brand, games, and entertainment. I got ❤️ for writing, gaming, and figuring stuff out. I'm @whatleydude pretty much everywhere that matters. Nice to meet you x

2 thoughts on “Monkey Business”

  1. I love this series! Whatleydude and Monkeydude! Yay!

    Great way to start a weekend.

    The best part for me was that I could not figure out what an Italian War Jumper was. I thought it was something for gaming, and then you both show an Italian wool sweater.

    FYI: All wool jumper/sweaters ought to be hand washed cold, then blocked* to dry. If you machine wash hot or even warm and/or machine dry you will have miniature clothing. [*blocked is when you lay down a towel, put the sweater/jumper on it, smooth both, roll both up, and repeat. Then let the sweater/jumper lay down on a flat surface until dry. Of course YouTube has a nice, but slightly fussy video on how to do this:

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