My life in transit

Hey, how you doin’?

Happy New Year and all that… 🙂

Yes yes, I know, we’re very nearly into the second month of 2009 and here I am with my first post of the year… Took my time huh?

Well as you know, things with me are always moving…

– Photo by Benjamin Ellis

I mean, saying ‘I travelled a bit’ last year would somewhat of an understatement, wouldn’t you agree?

Speaking of last year: To those of you who followed me through 2008, thank you.
A lot went on that I didn’t write about and a lot went on that I did.

The trip to Helsinki being an obvious highlight… 🙂

However, in the space in between, a lot went on that was only half-written about. At the time of writing I currently have around fifteen or so semi-drafted posts that I’m yet to finish and/or publish.

Each and every one of them I intend to finish, and soon.

So forgive me if, on occasion, my topics leap back and forth in time…
I want to try and cover off everything. The next post for example, is going to be a big one…

As a great man once said:

…life moves pretty fast.
If you don’t stop and look around once in a while…
…you could miss it.”

So without further a do…

Let’s go!


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Author: James Whatley

Experienced advertising and communications strategist working in brand, games, and entertainment. I got ❤️ for writing, gaming, and figuring stuff out. I'm @whatleydude pretty much everywhere that matters. Nice to meet you x

2 thoughts on “My life in transit”

  1. Hey, a year is just a span of time lasting 365 days.

    So every minute you can say Happy New Year.

    And perhaps more importantly, make crucial resolutions you’d otherwise put off.

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