Like butter spread over too much bread…

Evening all…

It’s around 6pm – I’m falling asleep at my desk.
Too many late nights and early mornings.

I work hard and I play very hard.

My skin feels crap and oily and mank.

Tonight I have duties to attend to but I’m deciding against them – falling back on the old phrase that you should stick to your responsibilities as long as they are:

“Without detriment to yourself or your connections”

Well – I am shattered.

I have a headache (which I never get),
I’m all spotty and horrible, (no good for the ladies – obviously),
Tonight I was supposed to be going out but instead I am going to go home to bed.

I. Need. Sleep.

Big catch up blog to come soon – I promise.

It’s just.. Ok – Here we go:

Monday night I saw my mate Liv.
Tuesday night I had rehearsals for Our Country’s Good.
Wednesday night I saw a lovely lass named Selina.
Thursday night (tonight) I’m supposed to be out but I can’t see it happening.
Friday night I’m going Karaoke with my family on Canvey then into Basildon with my Sister.
Saturday night I’m in Westcliff Casino celebrating my friend Bodger’s birthday.
Sunday I have to be back in Twickenham for 11am for more OCG rehearsals.

And that’s just this week.

Obviously I work Mon-Fri too. Hard.
I’ve never worked so bloody hard in my life.
Especially on something that I actually believe in and care about.
But hey – they pay me to play with Mobile Phones.

Right – I’m going home to bed now.
Take it easy folks – I may post later if I can’t sleep.



This is a new blogspot that Nemi and I have setup.
Check it out…

Why Don’t Grownups Get It?

It’s only young so there’s not much content – but it’ll grow.

Til next time.

This weekend I’m going down to Essex to see friends and family.

Last updated by at .

Author: James Whatley

Chief Strategy Officer in adland. I got ❤️ for writing, gaming, and figuring stuff out. I'm @whatleydude pretty much everywhere that matters. Nice to meet you x